Recently, I wrote a series of posts here on Ways to Make a Living blog about a project that I had completed. The project was something I called my “need for speed” project, and it was focused on speeding up my various websites. Really, the ultimate goal was to increase the scores I was getting […]
Speed? You want speed?
Well, if you want your site to be speedy, I have some information for you that will most certainly help you achieve your goal! I know that it helped me achieve my goal, and actually go way beyond my goal. Let me get your attention a bit so that you will read this article. My […]
I want more!
More speed that is! As I have told you earlier this week, I have been working on my Need for Speed project, trying to speed up my websites. I feel that speeding up my sites will have a positive impact on my Google AdSense earnings, at least I am giving that a try. Previously this […]
Implementing caching on my sites
OK, so this week here on the Virtual Earner Blog, I am discussing my “Need for Speed” project that I have been working on for a few weeks. Basically, this has been an attempt to recover from slipping AdSense earnings across my sites. By improving my scores on Google Scorecard, I hope that my earnings […]
Need for Speed project
So, if you read my previous article, you know that I was getting a flunking grade on my Google Scorecard, and what I needed was more speed. As I said in my previous article, when it comes to server optimization, I am pretty much untrained and don’t have much knowledge. Something similar is site optimization. […]