So, let’s continue the series about how to design a new website with making money in mind. Some people set up a website as a hobby, others do it as a business. Since my websites are my job, it is a business and I have to treat it as so.
So, if you are into websites as a business, you have to have a plan on how you will make money with it. One of the ways to make money on your site is to put advertising on your site. Another thing is to offer your own products and services. For example, you might offer to consult or sell eBooks that you wrote yourself. Think about it, though, if you decide to offer your own products and services, you still have to advertise those items on your site, or nobody will know that they are available. So, whether you are running Google Ads, Text-Link-Ads, some other kind of ads, or selling your own services, it all comes down to advertising on your site. Without advertising, you are not going to make any money from your efforts.
The truth is, many who are only having a website as a hobby also put ads on their site to make a little extra spending money each month.
So, it is likely that if you have a website, you will have some ads on your site, right? Now, the big question is how many ads you should put.
Some people go out and join a half dozen advertising networks, and place 2 or 3 ads from each network on their site. Pretty soon, you go look at the site and it has 15 to 20 ads on each page. Sometimes you feel like you have to dig through the advertising to find the content of the site. To me, that is not really the proper way to do it. What you want to do is choose a few good productive spots on your site, and put ads there. In my case, I usually have 3 to 5 ads per page on my site and spread around so that they don’t become overbearing for the reader. After all, the readers come to the site to read the content that you are providing. Advertising is just a way to possibly make a few bucks from the reader, not the reason they come to your site. If it becomes cumbersome to read the site, due to too much advertising, a lot of readers will not come back again. I do not believe that most readers are turned off by having some advertising on the site, but too much advertising can turn off anybody.
So, you really need to find the right balance between the amount of content you provide, and the number of ads you put on the pages. Experiment and find the right balance that keeps readers coming back and making you a decent amount of money from your efforts on the site. When you find that sweet spot or the proper balance, you will prosper and your readers will leave your site feeling that they were enriched by the content of your site.
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