Yesterday, I got a friend request on Facebook (if you want to be my friend on Facebook, find me here). I approved the request, and just a few minutes later my new friend sent me an e-mail. Basically, the fellow is currently unemployed, as too many Americans currently are. He is considering a number of […]
Designing a new site: Deciding how you’ll make money
“Uh, what? Deciding how I’m gonna make money? What do you mean?” A lot of people who have websites don’t really think about how they will make money. They just put up a site, slap a few AdSense ads on the site, and wait for the money to roll in. Well, I’m sorry, but it […]
Designing a new site: Balancing Content and Ads
So, let’s continue the series about how to design a new website with making money in mind. Some people set up a website as a hobby, others do it as a business. Since my websites are my job, it is a business and I have to treat it as so. So, if you are into […]
Designing a new site: Delivering Ads
Continuing our series on designing a new website, and keeping the money making in mind as you go through the steps of conceptualizing the site and getting it set up, today we will look at how you can best deliver ads to your readers in a way that will make you the most money. In […]
Designing a new site: Platform
OK, so I recently started a new series of articles called “Designing a new site” and this is the second article in the series. Today’s article will be about choosing a platform for your new site. What do I mean by “platform”? Well, I mean what kind of software will the site be built upon? […]
Designing a new site: Good ad placement
What is “ad placement?” Well, that just means the areas on your site where you put ads. If you are smart, you will experiment to find the spots that earn you the most money or get the most attention. But, the key is experimentation. Try one place and gauge the interest and the results. Move […]